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Old 07-11-2020, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Bigdaddy View Post
Dave, so looking at your ebay search listed by row, I find it interesting that the first card in each row (corresponding to the first column) has the least number of cards for any given row. This could be explained by Topps frequently discarding the first column as it may have been 'dinged' or otherwise damaged by the product cutting/handling machinery.

If that were the case, then those 'column one' cards could also be considered 'short print' since fewer of them made it out of the factory than cards in the other columns.

Rich, excuse me for not following your thread, but can you explain further the difference between 'triple, double, normal and single'? I understand 'triple, double and single', but can't fit 'normal' in there.

Sorry I may not have been clear. Each row is sorted independently, I haven't mapped each column location yet. So Row A lowest to highest, same for row B, etc. Average per row:

A 73
B 22
C 25
D 22
E 29
F 34
G 26

Curiouser and curiouser..... If three F rows are known now, does that mean there are 6 A rows?! B row has Shannon, D row the Alomar while the G row has vexed many collectors. If you take 6 A rows and 3 F's, every other row could appear twice to get 24 rows. WTF? I can't see that being the case. I think there could have been a production problem, which might explain the distribution issues as well as there is no denying that A row count. Hmmmm...just realized Kevvyg1026 notes the A row 5 times, F row 4 times and all others 3 times also works. The E row has the checklist, so that row's count is affected by that card also being printed with the semi-highs.

Last edited by toppcat; 07-11-2020 at 11:48 PM.
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