Thread: Crazy uncles
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Old 07-09-2020, 07:00 PM
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Robert Williams
Join Date: Aug 2009
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Originally Posted by marzoumanian View Post
First, Dave, I want to say I am very sorry you went through this.
If it is any comfort, remember these four words: This too shall pass. Don't let this affect your physical OR mental health. Life is too precious.
Now to the point. Every week I listen to PSA's Great American Collectibles Show. The June 17, 2020 show (Podcast 189) featured none other than Aaron from Crazy Uncles. It is hard to pinpoint but I heard something in his voice, perhaps it was the hesitancy in it, the slight pauses, that signaled to me that I'll stick with who I currently use. There was also a bit of hype in his talk, but that's understandable; he's pumping up his June 15-27 auction.
Bottom line, you be the judge. I'm 64 so maybe my age also has something to do with planning to stick with the REAs of the auction world.
Somewhat ironically (if that's the right word!) I just wrote on my website,, a two part blog (under "Love of the Hobby") on having a plan when selling your cards and sets and choosing the best auction house. I know this sounds like I'm trying to hype the website. Sorry. But if you can cull a nugget or two from what I wrote, it might be worth a few minutes of your time.
Enough said. When things go wrong for me, I always ask myself: What lesson did I learn from this?
Peace and stay healthy.
Mark...I ready your blog about what Dean at REA did for your 1968 Set!!! That is awesome!!! Most sellers wouldn't even go to that much trouble and would just sell the set as is. The fact that he was skilled enough to know what to look for speaks volumes.