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Old 07-09-2020, 07:52 AM
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toppcat toppcat is offline
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Thanks for that canvass of COMC it's both interesting and weird. Shannon has always been thought of as tough, at least since the first tabulation data started coming through in the late 70's and early 80's.

Of the single digit pops, only two (552 and 568) correlate to my SP2 row so it does seem something is afoot. If this pop data could be worked out by row it might show an obvious pattern. I did something a little similar with the 52 highs using eBay and figured out two rows (251-260 and 261-270) were DP's and that the highs look to have been printed at half the semi high SP rate. If you know the rows it takes out some of the individual card "noise".

I'll try that here if I have time later today and maybe compare it to eBay too (factoring out COMC). I'll repost my scans too if the don't repopulate on the database rebuild Leon is doing right now.

Last edited by toppcat; 07-09-2020 at 07:55 AM.
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