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Old 06-23-2020, 02:39 PM
ASpaceman ASpaceman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 36

Thanks for the compliments, Gents.

Give me a month or 2 on the other 2x - I've been staring at an office floor of pinbacks for the better part of quarantine

The hobby is about people.

I was lucky to have a couple of really kind & helpful collectors show me the ropes when I first started collecting pins 15-or-so years ago. I remember seeing Mike Hoevet's glass coffee table of pins/celluloids and thinking "THAT is what I want in my office". I was lucky enough to be able to tell him that prior to his passing (RIP). Collections inspire; thus - why I shared a meager photo of mine.

I've frequented this board (inc pre-net54) for close to 20-years. Thanks All for sharing your stuff. A lot of my drive to keep searching was fueled by many of the pieces/conversations/etc. you all have enriched me with.

Thanks + cheers!

PS. Al, that Haddix of yours would look awfully nice hidden amongst there, no? If you ever sell, FYI - I should've kept it

Last edited by ASpaceman; 06-23-2020 at 03:28 PM.
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