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Old 06-04-2020, 09:14 PM
steve B steve B is online now
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,207

Originally Posted by bnorth View Post
Get a complete physical including blood work, could be a health problem. Many thing can cause memory problems. For me it was diabetes. Now that I am treating it life is WAY better and my memory slowly came back.
I'd second that, lots of potential causes, and knowing for sure if it's something fixable or just getting old makes a difference.

I have ADD, and if there's one thing I'm an expert on it's losing stuff. I've lost multiple pens in under an hour without leaving my chair. I KNOW it can't be more than arms reach away, but it's just gone.

As I've gotten older, so many small details just vanish, I used to be able to pick a card out of a box full of random stuff after years, and tell where I got it and usually about how much I paid. Now there are more things I find and ask "When the heck did I get that, and (often) why?"
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