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Old 03-01-2020, 04:25 PM
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Duluth Eskimo Duluth Eskimo is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 2,247

Just to be straight forward, I don't know CSA or Mike Root. I saw him set up at the National, but I don't think I have spoke with him. I have no reason to doubt what you guys are saying about him being a good guy and in it for the right reasons. I was just posting a face that Jose aka us_caine seems to have a number of items "authenticated" by CSA, but Jose beats the other guys too.

I primarily post this stuff to prevent any Net45 ers from losing money. I have no other interest.

I have mentioned before that I buy and sell a fair amount of autographs and I do use authentication when I sell my items. They sell for more and the buyer feels better about buying the item rather than just relying on someone's word that they don't know. This isn't an authentication rant, just a notice so if someone knows CSA pass the word along.

This is a link to us_caine
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