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Old 02-28-2020, 10:44 AM
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perezfan perezfan is offline
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Baseball Rob:
Yes, I do think that Dodgers Pennant is likely part of the series that includes the Keezer Astronaut, Colt 45s, Oilers and Angels Pennants (in other words, not the zig-zag stitching series). It has the same level of rarity and a very similar design. It looks to have the right type of spine and thicker tassels, but would be good to have a better close-up shot, just to verify whether they are indeed "ribbed".

Football Rob:
Fully agree.... that "A" Guy might be the dumbest logo/mascot ever created. But regardless of "why" he was created, I think he represents the last A's mascot before leaving KC. They carried him over to the earliest Oakland A's pennants, so that one is likely the last-ever KC Stadium Pennant.

You've shot some holes in my theory with that smaller Forbes Field (depicted on the '59 All Star Pennant). So I guess Trench must have sold the larger and smaller Forbes versions concurrently. Definitely some overlap there... but I know for a fact that the smaller Crosley and Forbes versions were sold in stadiums as late as 1968. Could've been just leftover inventory, I suppose. So the mystery continues...
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