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Old 01-02-2020, 04:12 PM
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perezfan perezfan is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Greg- I have that white/cream colored Padres pennant, but it's on the nice soft cloth material you're seeking. I believe it to be the earliest Padres Pennant, and their best (IMHO). Earliest version of "The Swinging Friar" and it has stayed perfectly clean, which is saying something for a white pennant. Never bleached, no fraying, and remains in great shape.

While I really like it, I could sell/trade it to you (for a reasonable price) if you're interested. I need to thin out, and seems like this one belongs with you. Just PM if interested.

Also... I would vote that those 2 Pilots Pennants are indeed from different makers.
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