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Old 12-26-2019, 12:12 PM
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bocca001 bocca001 is offline
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Originally Posted by thetahat View Post
Very nice Astros pennants, Marc. I agree, the upgraded Astros is more common in uni-color paint (orange), and the other ones I've seen seem to be cut weird. That includes the two sided Colts/ Astros. I think they are Ad Flag pennants which are notoriously cut bad. Yours looks crisp and straight, however.

I knew I had a blue Astros pennant and I just checked and found that it is the same as your bottom one, it is also a VET pennant. As far as the two above it, do they both have the '69 trademark?
Hey Greg- the top one has the 1969 trademark. It is moderately stiff felt. I also have earlier versions with tassels, but no trademark.

I'm pretty sure that the one in the middle is from the late 1970s. I have seen Astros team pics from the late 1970s with the white version of that pennant in the background.

I'm not sure about the year of the VET pennant, but I'd say late 70s early 80s. I still think it is interesting that most (if not all for some teams) pennants with these designs have the VET stamp. Did you pick up your Astros version long ago at a Phillies game (when you or your dad picked up the Rangers and Padres that you showed earlier) or more recently?
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