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Old 12-14-2019, 10:59 AM
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G.ary L.eavitt
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 371
Default Insurance

Once Leland's provides the insurance receipts from Fed-Ex for each buyer that requests it; this should be a moot thread.

If they don't and buyers find out they actually had a third party blanket policy that wasn't disclosed and also considerably marked up...I think there is going to be a problem.

The first response I could imagine is Leland's claiming "this doesn't matter; there is an insurance policy for every item". On the surface that sounds like a reasonable response, however, if 1) a buyer was promised a fed-ex policy; they should get it and 2) would a buyer still purchase a $60,000 card not knowing if the insurance company is reputable and/or if Leland's could/would cover the deficiency if the company didn't pay on a claim?

Disclosure is a good thing....
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