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Old 11-30-2019, 04:15 PM
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Al@n Kle!nberger
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Long Island, NY
Posts: 109

Very interesting about the Joe Moore variation. The checklist I use (which is not based on the SCD Catalogue checklist, but rather on a much older list that ran in Baseball Card News in the 80's) shows two entries for Joe Moore, for 1936 and 1954. I have the swinging bat version and it makes perfect sense for 1936, as many of the other posters released that year use a similar pose (Baseball Magazine often released their posters with the same or similar type of pose in a given year). 1954 for the second pose makes absolutely no sense, as Moore was out of the majors by the start of WWII. That second pose is one I may have seen here and there, but I didn't pick it up because I may have believed that I already had it. It very much resembles the poses used for Luke Appling and Mel Ott in their only M114 entries. Both of those date from the mid 30's as well.

Hard to say why Baseball Magazine would have replaced the one pose with the other, especially since both poses clearly date from within a few years of one another. No team change, as Moore spent his entire career with the Giants.

So, the 1954 entry for Moore is clearly a mistake. A typo for 1934, perhaps? All in all, just another illustration of how so much of this set makes little sense, and also of how little we really know about it.

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