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Old 10-12-2019, 04:33 PM
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Jeffrey Lichtman
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Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector View Post
right so now you saying the statute of limitations didnt expire so its still early for lawsuits. What about 3 months before the statute of limitations or a year. I dont know about you but most lawyers dont wait until right before the statute of limitations to file anything as there is added risk such blowing an issue and thus blowing the statute or class action occurs earlier and there is no opt out along with hundreds of other problems in waiting to the last minute etc

The fact you are mentioning statute of limitations being an issue as to why no lawsuits have been filed does prove that you do think lawsuits would be filed since this current scandal is a huge issue but only because enough time has not passed no lawsuits have been filed. If lawsuits or not didnt mean anything why bother to bring up the statute of limitations.

So its not absurd I am bringing up the fact that no lawsuits have been filed. 2 years from now, if still no lawsuits are filed, would you then agree that its far from rocking the hobby in that it would appear most people are happy/refunded with the outcome..

Its ok you said i am an spent time to write that and there is much supply and demand for your services so your time in so expensive that you still took what little free time you have to call me names and make a your mama joke. i am honored. Peter C lives..
I'm saying that the lawsuit issue is meaningless. That the lack of them does not mean people are happy. My point by noting that statutes of limits exist is to explain that not everyone who can sue MUST sue immediately as you are suggesting. How you, allegedly a lawyer who may have one client, cannot see this is stunning. I scored a $4.35 million settlement on a claim recently with a single letter. No lawsuit. Does that mean my client was thrilled because she didn't file a lawsuit? Do you not understand how this works? Ask Mastro's co-conspirators who paid my clients six figures if they felt a lawsuit was necessary to get them to pay back money they stole.

And if you don't mind me calling you an idiot, then I will again. You're an idiot. And yeah, I always have time for pointing this out, although, again, that no one from here hires a crack civil litigator like yourself surely makes clear I'm not alone in my opinion.

Last edited by calvindog; 10-12-2019 at 04:33 PM.
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