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Old 08-14-2019, 11:02 AM
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perezfan perezfan is offline
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Originally Posted by CuriousGeorge View Post
Did you happen to notice that the underbidder, who bid $100 less, has feedback of 1315? So do you think that means for the extra $100 Brent decided to pull a maneuver or that perhaps a guy with zero feedback just happened to win the auction?

I mean I know everyone wants to crucify the guy but 10 seconds of checking eBay and a little common sense can show you this isn’t the one to pick on.

You can’t make this stuff up.
The skeptics are saying it was a fake bid... attempting to drive the price up further. So the actual price realized would not be an extra $100... it would be a "no sale".
PWCC has already admitted to, and attempted to justify shill bidding.

That said... I think it's very possible that a legitimate "zero feedback" person was made aware of the auction, and was authorized to bid. It's not like a card of this magnitude is widely available, and a distinct possibility that a non-ebayer would want it. So while it does raise suspicion, I agree it's best we stick with discussing concrete evidence and facts, and what we KNOW to be true (which is a lot... and keeps mounting with no perceptible end in sight).
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