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Old 08-12-2019, 02:28 PM
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glchen glchen is offline
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I watched this last week, and I have to say, I actually liked it. I watched the entire movie without skipping ahead like I do a lot these days when parts get boring.

The fact that 80s/90s cards are practically worthless didn't really interest me. That's been know FOREVER. However, the human interest stories I did find interesting as it kind of showed the different ppl that got into the hobby. The father/son story of who might have one of the largest Canseco collections was interesting to me. Heck, it looked like Jose had the family on his speed dial on his phone, so it was great to see Canseco having such a connection with one of his fans. And the part about the guy being one of the world's greatest dad's for supporting his son's collecting habits was touching to me. A lot of parents would not do that. They would say it's crazy to buy millions of cards like that which are practically worthless.

One story that I wish was expanded was the story of the guy that Stu's dad sold the Sluggers chain to. Stu and his sister figured that that guy would hate them for the dad selling him a bag of lemons, but that guy's opinion was quite the opposite in that he appreciated Stu's dad, and was still doing well himself. I would've wanted to hear how that guy survived the baseball card crash and what he did to still last all these years.
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