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Old 08-06-2019, 12:33 PM
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David Ru.dd Cycl.eback
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Originally Posted by slidekellyslide View Post
The registry guys have so much money tied up in PSA cards that I believe there will be a shift to an acceptance of altered cards. Especially if the number of altered cards reported is true. Sure, some will leave but it’s never really been about the cards for a lot of them IMO, it’s the number and the competition. PSA knows this and that’s why they’re seemingly paying no attention to this scandal.
I believe if there is technology and methodology to identify unaltered cards and those that are altered, then this won't be true.

Side by side, the unaltered version will always be more prized and higher valued, and, in comparison, the altered cards will be considered lesser.

There may be more acceptance and conscious collecting of altered cards because they are so commonplace, but the unaltered cards will become the prized cards, and the altered cards will be considered second tier.

And there will be a taint and questioning of those "high end" collections and collectors who don't have their cards examined by the new technology.

The first time some rich guy presents an unaltered set, and such a set is auctioned off by REA or Heritage or whomever, that will set the new standard. All that all PSA stuff will be questioned and considered lesser.

Futher, many PSA registry people may be collecting the numbers, but once it's shown and generally considered by the hobby that these numbers are at the least unreliable, and at the most false, I think even that number collecting $$ money will change and, at least, soften. There's nothing to brag about if the general hobby scoffs at the numbers.

I think that PSA's current, and usual, approach of doing nothing and hoping it just blows over, will doom them. Because the cows have now left the barn.

Duly note that, even on the PSA forum, many posters are saying they are not buying graded cards, will never buy from PWCC, and or at least delaying buying graded cards until they see how things work out-- and this is from PSA's board.

Last edited by drcy; 08-06-2019 at 12:38 PM.
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