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Old 07-30-2019, 09:39 AM
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BeanTown BeanTown is offline
Jay Cee
Join Date: Jan 2010
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Originally Posted by timn1 View Post
As someone who is a dealer once a year at the National,, and is otherwise a collector who has been in your shoes, I would say,

Don’t schlep a ton of stuff around all at once, bring just a few things that represent your collection, and a full list of everything else. Leave the rest in the car or your hotel room until you need it. Then look for dealers who are selling the type of stuff you have. Wait until people aren’t too busy and then approach. atLUTFA cards we love to have people come up and ask us if we’re buying. We don’t buy everything, of course, but we’re always glad to see stuff. (We are at booth 411, lol.). I would also say, if you’re serious about selling, give yourself enough time. Don’t expect it to happen in an hour. It might take most of a day to find the right person who wants your stuff, but don’t get discouraged. Just because one or even ten dealers pass on it doesn’t mean there’s not a buyer for it.

As far as prices go, it’s probably true that you could make somewhat more from an auction house but it will take months to get paid unless you can get an advance, which is not the norm. Obviously dealers at the show have to make their expenses and some profit, or why would they ever buy anything? But most will treat you fairly. We certainly will.

Good luck,
One thing I won't do again is have a young guy take around items valued from 50-500 to sell. I think he ended up selling you or Mike a nice zeenut for 70.00 that had the coupon. Clearly a 300.00 card, but his education was worth it. Glad yall ended up with some of the stuff he was hauling around in hus backpack. I told him to stop by your booth. Agreed you need to shop around. Have a notebook with you and write down booth number and offer and then go to next dealer who sells stuff like what you have.
Love Ty Cobb rare items and baseball currency from the 19th Century.

Last edited by BeanTown; 07-30-2019 at 09:46 AM.
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