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Old 07-20-2019, 12:38 AM
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Chuck9788 Chuck9788 is offline
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Default Joe Tinker and Johnny Evers were enemies

Hall of fame teammates Tinker and Evers had a strained relationship. The feud eventually hit its boiling point on September 14, 1905 when the two engaged in a fistfight on the field because, as the story goes, “Evers had taken a cab to the stadium and left his teammates behind in the hotel lobby.”After the fight they refused to speak to one another. Strangely, they played alongside each other for seven more years, turned numerous double plays, and won two World Series—all without a single word. In fact they didn't even speak to each other for 33 years!

Thankfully, the two ended their feud in 1937 at an Old-Timers game played at Wrigley Field (photo below). On that day, they dedicated a plaque to the memory of their deceased manager, Frank Chance, who had died in 1924.

A heart-warming caption was found with the photo:

“When Joe Tinker and Johnny Evers were reunited in Chicago in 1937, the two hadn’t seen each other in 14 years. Their bitter feud had mellowed and when they met in a Chicago hotel, and after a moment’s hesitation, they threw their arms around each other and cried.”

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