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Old 06-30-2019, 06:42 AM
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Leon Leon is online now
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I can't stand bullfighting. The matadors should all be shot in the head if you ask me. Period. And the people cheering them on should all be in jail.
As for killing animals in the name of conservation, I say bull crap to that too. There are other ways to keep populations down. That said, I do eat meat so am a hypocrite in that sense. Maybe those shooting these animals should have the same thing done to them and see how they like it?

And back to the bullfighting for a second. How does any human take joy in seeing a matador slowly kill a bull and show all of that pain and misery. It is no wonder other cultures are the way they are towards dogs and other animals. Absolutely despicable if you ask me. It is outrageous. Actually, it would be nice if all of the matadors were impaled with a sword through their abdomen so everyone can watch them die a slow and painful death, just like they do to the bulls. Then we can see how well that goes over for the crowds. My guess, they would still be cheering as they are freaking low mentality idiots.
Leon Luckey

Last edited by Leon; 06-30-2019 at 06:47 AM.
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