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Old 06-26-2019, 09:33 AM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is offline
Chuck Tapia
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by Case12 View Post
My apologies. I have studied since the 90's. I used to use Barry Halpers collection for exemplars before the internet. It's just not in my DNA I guess. I see I am taxing the forum with my questions, and certainly see the items when I am corrected (when like I found out my Cobb was fake due to the paraph. Before that I didn't know what a paraph was. Now I see it every time I look at a Cobb). I did think the Griffith might stand a chance. I tossed the Collins in for giggles to show the length forgers would go for something so rare and even rarely known by an average collector. I certainly appreciate your patience and advice. I will just observe for a while, and learn as I can. I will pipe in occasionally to request thoughts on things more significant to me. No worries. Casey
I don't mind looking at the mountains of forgeries you posses. It's very entertaining. You have the Clark W Griswald, Pat Collins the hip Hypnotist and Sauy Kuufux to go along with the fake stengel and the fake Randy Johnson with the 60K watch worth $2.50 Nice collection. All fake just like barry halpers collection. NBF. Nothing but fakes
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