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Old 06-03-2019, 05:22 AM
tschock tschock is offline
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Originally Posted by Brent Huigens View Post
We are obviously very aware of the issues surrounding the cards submitted to us by Gary Moser (how could we not be, with all the threads on Blowout). First, we want to apologize to all those who have been affected by (us being caught with) the purchasing of trimmed or altered cards. We are not disappearing or burying our heads in the sand about this (since we have or will be contacted by law enforcement). Next, we are presently working with both PSA and law enforcement (who contacted us and made indicated it would be in our best interest to cooporate) to ensure that all affected cards are brought to light and this information makes its way to our customers. We understand that we (were caught and) are responsible for our part in this mess and will do all that we can (as far as we HAVE to) to make it right in connection with Moser-submitted cards as well as other submitters who may have altered cards of which we auctioned. We understand how difficult it is to be patient through this process (because heck, the wheels of justice grind slowly) but we are working through this as quickly as we can (because heck, the wheels of justice grind slowly) at the direction of counsel and the appropriate authorities (re all previous comments). Finally, in response to these recent findings (and knowing a full investigation is coming and for damage control as best we can at this point), we are no longer selling any Moser-submitted cards (though we may decide to continue selling cards submitted by others, including those we might not be able to "prove" were submitted by someone else on Moser's behalf).

We are very sorry for the trouble that has occurred (that we find ourselves in) and will work to regain your trust (gullibility).
Is my parsing of the statement (in bold) about right?
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