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Old 05-19-2019, 07:13 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,203

Erasures are to me, one of those in between things. done properly, I don't see much problem, but do wish they were noted somehow. Done poorly, well, like anything done poorly it's a problem.

This card was one of two I asked SGC about the grade a few years ago when they were at the local show. It seemed nicer than the average 40 to me.

What the guy there spotted pretty quickly was an erased number on the back.
I've owned the card at least since 1980, it was the first nice T206 I bought. Since then, I've moved it between pages, different holders etc probably 5-6 times, looked at it a fair amount, and never noticed the erasure.
SGC did, and apparently didn't consider it anything that would prevent a number grade. It just didn't get a higher number grade because of the erasure.

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