Originally Posted by peterose4hof
I've never consigned with PWCC. Do they guarantee their consignors anonymity as part of their terms of service?
If so, the only way they are releasing any sort of list of consignors with a history of submitting altered items or a list of the altered items themselves is with a court order.
They won't do it even if it's not in any formal agreement with consignors, IMO. But one can hope.
My avatar is a sketch by my son who is an art school graduate. Some of his sketches and paintings are at
He is available to do custom drawings in graphite, charcoal and other media. He also sells some of his works as note cards/greeting cards on Etsy under JamesSpaethArt.
Last edited by Peter_Spaeth; 05-15-2019 at 11:40 AM.