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Old 04-11-2019, 10:25 AM
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AGuinness AGuinness is offline
Garth Guibord
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 937

Originally Posted by x2drich2000 View Post
Not anymore than people who blindly put money into the stock market or their 401k without researching the funds they have chosen. People should have a full understanding of what they are investing in regardless of the type of investment.
This is it in a nutshell. More people put more money in blue chip stocks or index funds without due diligence than in sports cards, and I'm sure EVERY investment (or quasi-investment) has a certain percentage of people doing this.
One of my biggest lessons, whether for my PC or cards I intent to flip, is to buy cards that I will enjoy even if the market collapses. I may lose, but I will still have something to enjoy.
With that in mind, I'd also suggest that your family member consider other places to invest this money. From your description, this $10k isn't going to make or break them, so I would ask them what they are interested in or passionate about and find something that they can get personal enjoyment out of. Art, wine, comics, tulip bulbs (ok, maybe not that), vinyl, whatever. This could be more than an opportunity to make money, this could be a chance to develop a hobby and gain more experience and expertise in a field they enjoy.
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