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Old 03-09-2019, 04:59 PM
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Tony Ooten
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Originally Posted by h2oya311 View Post
When I think of Albert Belle, I think of this play:

By the way, I voted "no" for both, although some of the arguments for inclusion of Maris are warranted. Interestingly, just because someone doesn't make the HOF doesn't mean that they aren't a major part of the HOF (Cooperstown). There's all sorts of equipment and other references to non-HOFers at Cooperstown, like Maris and Rose. I don't recall seeing any Joey Belle "stuff" there at Cooperstown. Feared, yes (see video). HOF, not so much. I'd stick Dale Murphy in the Hall well before Joey "Albert" Belle.
no for both, BTW there are some pretty funny comments under that you tube video
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