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Old 11-26-2018, 06:14 PM
Topnotchsy Topnotchsy is offline
Jeff Lazarus
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Originally Posted by whitehse View Post
I too was the one who would hang out by the dugouts after games begging for someone to toss me the lineup cards from the dugout walls. I received a few as I went to only about 5 games a year but when I began my short lived career in Major League Baseball (started as game day field security for four years...moved to the front office for three) my collection exploded. Most times these cards continued to hang on the dugout wall long after the grounds crew completed their clean up and since I had access I would snag them myself. I amassed probably a few hundred line up cards over the years but sold most, if not all of them off over a period of time. Every time I went to sell them I was told they were not worth much but in the interest of cleaning out my collection I probably got on average, about 20 bucks each unless their was a significant event in the game. I had always intended to frame them and put them on the wall of my never to be existent man cave but gave up that dream awhile ago.

I also was lucky enough to find a few manager or umpire line up cards along the way (Topnotchsy..if I ever find them they are yours). I vividly remember one time seeing an unknowing grounds crew member emerging from the tunnel for the umpires dressing room and looking at a few small pieces of paper. I recognized instantly what he was looking at and then to my horror, he just ripped them in half and let them fall to the ground. I hurriedly picked them up and taped them back together as one of those line up cards was the top copy that had Pete Rose's original signature with his line up hand written on it.

Line up cards certainly hold a soft spot in my collecting heart and love to see others enjoy them as much as I did at one time.
Awesome story! Part of the reason I like them is that each one is uniquely connected to a specific game. I remember the first game I ever went to. It was a summer game for the Mets in a season where they didn't make the Playoffs. Game ended on a walk-off walk in extra innings if I remember correctly. For the history books it's a forgotten game, but for me it was my first game.

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