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Old 07-06-2018, 01:40 PM
wdwfan wdwfan is offline
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Texas
Posts: 2,095
Default Question about stamps

Not sure if I"m in the right section or not, but I have a question about stamps. In particular, I believe the year is 1961. On my last trip to the LCS, I picked up 4 stamps. They're all common players and have a $2 BV apiece. I paid $6 for the group of 4.

The thing is they're still attached in groups of 2 in the original panel. Does that make them more valuable than if they're just pulled apart?

Here's an example of what I'm talking about:

Does them being in the original panel of 2 instead of cut individually make them more valuable? If so how much? Like 2-3x or more or less? Or the same value as the individual stamp? I have never dealt in these stamps and just thought they were cool when I saw them on my last visit to the LCS.

Thanks a bunch for the help.
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