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Old 05-29-2018, 09:30 PM
hcv123 hcv123 is offline
Howard Chasser
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: NY
Posts: 3,484
Default Completely

Originally Posted by docpatlv View Post
Nice Bazooka boxes Howard!

How come I’ve read that the 1971 Bazooka no number is tougher than the numbered version, but I always see the unnumbered version? Was that erroneous information?
That I am aware of there is no such thing as a numbered complete box. I have seen a number (pun intended) of no number 1971 boxes. The 1971 Bazooka numbered was a test of some sort and definitely issued in smaller quantities than the numbered version. I have owned/seen panels and singles of the numbered version.

The Bazookas I own are one of my pride and joy's! Many do not know that there are 2 different size boxes for most years - a 25 piece box (like those shown and a 20 piece box - will eventually post a scan). Interestingly in my experience different years prove more elusive in different sizes - 1962 for example - the 25 piece box while far from easy to find is obtainable (with patience and money) - on the other hand - as mentioned in my last post - I own the only 20 piece box I have ever seen with Clemente. 1968 and 1971 were only issued as 25 piece boxes (that I am aware of). A 1960 complete box is my white whale! Combing some of the biggest collections ever sold (Copeland, Halper and others), Speaking to dealers and collectors across the country - I have yet to even see proof that one exists - I have boxes with other players from 1960 - so I pray one day............I can complete my Bazooka complete box run with a 1960 Clemente complete box.
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