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Old 03-30-2018, 10:40 AM
megalimey megalimey is offline
Davi.d Sha.kir
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Default RE Yankees Ticket Dating Guide BOTCHED HIDDEN AGENDA revealed “INTERESTING”

RE Yankees Ticket Dating Guide BOTCHED HIDDEN AGENDA revealed “INTERESTING”
RE Yankees Ticket Dating Guide BOTCHED HIDDEN AGENDA revealed “INTERESTING”
HI Folks and true Yankee ticket collectors
I now discovered why “shoeless moe” has been bashing Keyman Yankee ticket Guide site
Its obvious he has bought a number of bogus dated tickets in the past he is now stuck with them,
So by bashing Keyman for the last week or so its now clear its all been a set up , and now he is putting up bogus dated tickets on ebay ,which shows his true agenda .
Try to discredit a nationally excepted website for indentifying undated Yankess tickets
So he can justify dumping off his own painfully obvious wrong dated tickets
I am sure there are more to come , all will be written on for sure !!! with more bogus dates
he has on On ebay right now
a wrongly dated ticket that is written on, so much information its totally over kill who writes that much stuff on a back of ticket?? , he is trying to dump it off on some one and he adds, that he is right, and all the other tickets dates on Keyman he does state SOME RIGHT, SOME WRONG ,
so he his hedging his bets , pretty lame
see complete listing
notice “”seller does not accept returns” WONDERFUL SHOW OF INTEGRITY ,so much for standing behind his product , he knows if sent in for slabbing its being rejected by both PSA and SGC as the date he claims
funny he has another undated Yankees ticket that he makes no mention of keyman website
which actually is a legit 1955 ticket another tell tell sign of his true agenda
well here it is, if you’re so sure your right provide us with your version of the Yankees Undated ticket dating guide years through 1928-1968 , in others words “PROVE IT FOR THE REST OF US TO SEE”
show us your GUIDE !!!!! don’t be shy reveal your facts to undated Yankees tickets
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