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Old 02-25-2018, 01:03 PM
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Cliff Bowman Cliff Bowman is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Near Atlanta
Posts: 2,594

Okay, I'll try one, but I won't even attempt it as a catchy limerick. He was born in the same city as me (not that anyone here would know that), he had at the same time, easily, one of the best all time names in baseball but also one of the worst all time nicknames in baseball, although the nickname was his own choice. Playing in the era well before baseball salaries took off, in the off-season he worked in a steel mill. He played sparingly for two teams for four years, spent the next four years in the minors, and then returned to the majors for two more years with a third team. He had by far his best season his final year. After his baseball career was over he owned and ran a tavern in his hometown. His grandson is an actor, who is married to this lovely woman.
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