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Old 01-25-2018, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Volod View Post
I had thought that the caramel candy was used in Topps original issue in order to do an end run around legal concerns with Bowman's monopoly on "gum" cards. So, it seems like Topps just dropped the godawful candy altogether and reissued the cards alone to clear out their overstock.
They still managed to get sued by Bowman over the use of the word "Baseball" in 1951. This probably right around the time the Blue Backs (and related ML All Stars) got released and that ended all their Baseball Candy Distribution for the 1951 season. The case wasn't decided until March 31, 1952 with Topps prevailing on that front. Overstock yes, but without a confection in the Doubles packs and with the word "baseball" very small compared to "Doubles".

I'd be curious when the Doubles were actually released in 1952 and why Topps thought to step on their Giant Size 1952 cards with them. It's highly probable to my mind they came out before the regular 1952 cards.

Last edited by toppcat; 01-25-2018 at 04:18 PM.
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