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Old 01-14-2018, 01:51 PM
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Default Looking for proof (D303 Mothers' Bread)

Scully: I need something to put my back up against, Mulder. I need scans!

Mulder: I know. I feel the same way. We've got The X-Files and Zach's Lousiana Cards website, and I believe what we're looking for is out there. I'm more certain than ever the truth is out there, Scully.

Scully: I've heard the truth, Mulder. Now what I want are the answers. I need scans of D303 Mothers' Bread Bressler and Lajoie before I can believe, Mulder!

Can anybody help Mulder and Scully find the truth? Do the D303 Mothers' Bread Bressler and Lajoie exist, or are the checklists just wrong?
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