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Old 01-07-2018, 10:51 PM
unamuzd1 unamuzd1 is offline
M0rrie Mu||ins
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Cincinnati
Posts: 235
Default Who's haunting Charlie Rhodes? (t206)

I recently bought a t206 Charlie Rhodes from another board member that has a pretty cool ghost image/print offset on it. From the auction scan, I could see that Charlie had been replicated to the right of his main image, by about half a card length.

Once I got it home I scanned it and fiddled with the settings a bit, adjusting the gamma and contrast so I could try and see if that was also Charlie to the left.

I'm pretty sure it isn't. The light/shadow pattern doesn't seem to match his face, and what looks like a central jersey seam is too far left compared to where his is.

What I think, having stared at it for a long time (and repeatedly paged through the images on t206museum...), is:

It's another portrait.
It's a player whose face is angled toward the left edge of the card, based on where the dark and light spaces are in the left-side ghost image of the face. The player is also "lit" from the right side of the card, again based on the pattern of light and dark.
It's someone who has a central jersey seam visible (you can see this in the left border beside Charlie's shoulder).
It's someone who probably has black text for the team name on his jersey (if that's part of a letter in the border just below the seam-line).

So the question becomes... who's haunting Charlie Rhodes? It's possible I'm wrong, and Charlie is haunting himself on both sides, but my experiments with cropping and moving elements around make me think that's unlikely.

Or, to put it differently: Who was directly to the left of Charlie Rhodes on this Piedmont 350 sheet?

I know we have some photoshop wizards who have been able to take apart layers of images in the past, but I'm not one of them! Any thoughts and help on this would be appreciated.

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