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Old 12-28-2017, 11:47 AM
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perezfan perezfan is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 7,625

I'm very sad to hear this news. I knew Jimmy was struggling with multiple health issues, but had no idea it was that far advanced.

He and I traded a few times, and he was a pillar of honesty, integrity, and generosity. Occasionally we would send each other cool pieces just as a surprise. He knew I liked Tony Perez, and sent me some killer early-career photos. No money was ever exchanged and nothing was expected in return (although he and I always reciprocated in some fashion).

Jimmy truly appreciated the good stuff, and had impeccable taste. He was an innovator, and was well ahead of his time when it came to Original Photos. And I agree with Scott... Net54 has never been the same since he departed. He created so many thought-provoking posts, and was the very best at getting other collectors involved and engaged. Jimmy was just a stellar human being.


Last edited by perezfan; 12-28-2017 at 11:48 AM.
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