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Old 11-03-2017, 09:31 AM
MikeGarcia MikeGarcia is offline
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Default Del Baker Tom Bridges

Originally Posted by nolemmings View Post
Apparently there was some controversy to Greenberg not being on the team. From SABR:
"Cochrane picked his former teammate Jimmie Foxx as the third baseman and the Yankees’ Lou Gehrig to play first. This was a curious selection, as Foxx had played very little third base for the last five years. In fact, the most he’d played at the position in a season in the previous five years was 26 games in 1931. In 1935 Foxx had played just two games at third. Even more peculiar, Foxx was the only third baseman on the American League roster, and Gehrig was the only first baseman. [Not true--Bluege was a 3b and played the 9th inning there]

Here was the controversy: Cochrane had left Tigers first baseman Hank Greenberg off the team. Greenberg was leading the league in home runs (25) and RBIs (103) at the All-Star break. (He ended the season leading the major leagues with 36 homers and 170 RBIs.) Gehrig at the break had less than half of Greenberg’s totals, 11 homers and 51 RBIs. Some argued that Greenberg had had a bad World Series in 1934 and would probably not respond well in a big game. The flip side of the argument was that Gehrig had gone hitless in his two All-Star Games, in addition to committing the only errors charged to the American League squad in both contests."

BTW, the mystery Tiger kind of looks like Eldon Auker to me, although it would make more sense if it were Del Baker, who was a coach at the game and who also resembles the man pictured.

..I've always thought Auker and Cochrane were twins separated at birth...

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