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Old 10-24-2017, 01:11 PM
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Fballguy Fballguy is offline
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All good points Jason.

Trust me I know all the tricks on Ebay and don't hesitate to start a "friendly" conversation with a seller. I've had great luck with that. Been reprimanded by eBay once or twice too.

You're absolutely right about auction prices on Ebay climbing. Not only have I noticed it personally, I recently signed up on Worthpoint and noticed that upward trend in sell prices compared to even as recently as 2014...and there's a huge difference when you go back to say 2010-11.


Originally Posted by Duluth Eskimo View Post
I know it seems counter intuitive, but making your specific interests known to people who specialize in vintage pennants might help. If I knew you were looking for that pennant I would look out for one for you. The biggest problem is quality pennants seem to be drying up the last few years and auction prices on eBay seem to be climbing. Getting and / or keeping quality items is tough.

I know some on here complain about sellers that have their stuff marked higher than what auction prices realize, but those are auction prices and not retail. Considering the scarcity of some of these pennants, it's my opinion they should be priced even higher and I am certain that's Mike's opinion as well.

You are correct that EBay has become the main place to search, but if you are looking for anything specific you may want to send some of the guys a list and see what happens. Most of what I buy nowadays is to resell so if I don't get a specific item it's no big deal. I used to do shows, but no one goes to shows anymore or they want to complain about the price because they saw it sell on eBay two years prior for 20% less than what it's marked. My kids are very active and I would rather spend my vacation time with them instead of traveling to the National or regional shows hoping people show up.

Last, but not least, reach out to people and see if they're willing to negotiate or sell it off of eBay. Most buyers seem to forget that eBay wants their 10% plus more juice to PayPal. If you are respectful I think some / most people are willing to talk. Good luck with the hunt. Jason
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