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Old 09-16-2017, 03:58 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,162

Originally Posted by mjkm90 View Post
Wards were a bread and roll,baking powerhouse in the depression era. They made Tip Top bread and otalso began making and distributing hostess products like twinkles etc (which may still be fresh today LOL&#129316. Like many companies of the day they took advantage of the popularity of baseball with growing boys and hungry men (yes girls were growing and women were hungry then as well, you get my meaning&#128540.
Wards Sporties bread pinbacks are one example
I haven't tried with Twinkies, but I know for sure a hostess cupcake will last 3+ years even outside the package.

Short version. Had a pack, ate one forgot about the other in its tray but unwrapped on the shelf behind me. Found it 3 weeks later essentially appearing good as new. Deceided the do an "experiment".
Finally got rid of it at 3+ years when we moved stuff from one room to another to get ready for kid #1.
Still no apparent ill effects, no mold, no smell, still pliable. A couple bits of frosting had come off.

Steve B
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