Thread: Hobby Goals
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Old 08-16-2017, 10:52 AM
Topnotchsy Topnotchsy is offline
Jeff Lazarus
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 1,120


Add to my collection of lineup cards signed by Hall of Famers - So far I have been able to add these managers who I did not have before: Walt Alston, Bob Lemon, Lou Boudreau, Al Lopez and Casey Stengel (albeit from when he managed in the Pacific Coast League, before the Yankees). I also picked up some other interesting lineup cards along the way.

I'd like to pick up a few more before the year ends. I've been surprised at how hard it is to find some recent and contemporary managers such as Paul Molitor. I also thought I'd have an easier time finding a Yogi Berra.

At the top of my list right now is Joe McCarthy, Connie Mack and Casey Stengel on the Yankees.

Expand my collection focused on integration - Picked up 1937 and 1938 Jackie Robinson Junior College signed yearbooks. Back then college was integrated but not the Majors... Also picked up a 1948 Cleveland Indians signed ball. First team to win the World Series with a black player on the roster (Satchell Paige and Larry Doby). Unfortunately the ball has page but not Doby. In combining the 2 collections I also picked up a carbon copy of a Frank Robinson lineup card from 1975. Frank Robinson was the first black manager and 1975 was his first season. Finally, picked up a 1953 Jackie Robinson All-Stars Barnstorming program.

The item at the top of my list which I have not been able to find is a baseball signed by Jackie Robinson while he was in the Negro Leagues. There was one sold at Christie's last year, but I was out of the country and my advanced bid was not quite enough to win it.

Expand my WWII-related baseball collection - Picked up a few books on the subject, and one item: USAAF vs US Navy Baseball signed by HOF's Pee Wee Reese, Joe Gordon and Red Ruffing along with 5 other players.

I have not been able to find anything appealing from Hank Greenberg from the war which is at the top of my list. Bob Feller is another guy I'd like to find something nice from. (In general, the closer to combat, the more interested I am as far as the player.)
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