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Old 05-21-2017, 11:55 AM
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Originally Posted by 2dueces View Post
Forgive my failing memory and the bits that I remember in this post.
Not long ago I read a few articles about the low fat, low carbs diets that where supposed to end obesity in Americans. At the time (1970's) the "in" scientists were blaming fats and carbs for obesity and heart disease. That is why all the diets were based on these. But there was one scientist that claimed sugar was the real killer. The "in" scientists ruined his career. The diets were based on bad science and numbers to make it look like the problem was fats. Now almost 50 years later, with obesity and heart disease and almost double the Numbers in the 70's, scientists are looking at the research again. The #'s and data were false and we all bought it hook line and sinker.
What else do the "in" scientists lie to us about? Meat is bad in the 70's. Meat is good in the 2000's. Milk is bad in the 80's. Milk is good again. eggs., etc.
I agree, it is confusing what is good to eat and what isn't.
Just last year, or 2 years ago now, they were talking about the hazards of salt and that too much can kill you or cause varying problems. In there new released info about it, and continuing further talking about the hazards they raised it from 1500 mg per day to 2000.

Everyone is different, and has to gauge their own tolerance levels based on blood work and the like, but there are always those, no matter how much they eat, drink or smoke, seem to outlive all others.
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