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Old 04-24-2017, 08:07 AM
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Bpm0014 Bpm0014 is offline
Brendan Mullen
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Pittsburgh PA
Posts: 2,863

Can everyone leave this poor guy alone. He isn't trying to scam anyone. He is trying a fun project that he wants to share with fellow card collectors. I, for one, would gladly trade him a card that is higher in price for one that I want more.

Exactly! He isn't trying to scam anyone! I don't know Stephen at all, but I decided to participate in this fun project. And I'll admit, it went as smoothly as can be. I'm in this hobby a hobby. If you are in it for the business side of it, isn't the ultimate goal to make money? Or trade up? Or buy low, sell high?
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