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Old 02-16-2017, 10:57 AM
PhillipAbbott79 PhillipAbbott79 is offline
Phillip Abbott
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 414

Originally Posted by Whodunit View Post
By "documented", it means that I have records of when I bought it, how much I paid for it, who I bought it from, when I got it in my hands, etc. I'm not referring to having had "documented" the fact that the card was altered/manipulated. I've already stated in this thread that there would have been absolutely zero chance of my purchasing this card had he told me what he'd done to get it out of the SGC 50 and into the PSA 7. The documentation of this cards HISTORY, for me, now starts from the point that Brent won it in REA (yes, that is highly documented) to the point that it just sold BY HIM again to another unsuspecting high end collector. This thread started a few days after the auction started. Brent defended the card up until about day 3 of the auction and obviously knew the details as we've well established at this point that he won it, he cleaned it/had it cleaned, he holdered it and he sold it to me. He and who I will refer to as "the cleaner", were at that point, the only ones that knew that it was the same card. I'd have to go back and look at the early stages of this thread, but whoever put the fact that this card was the same card that REA sold as a 50 was the same one, was the one that let the cat out of the bag.
This certainly is an interesting development. That would explain why he defended it being a 7, and why he sent it back to PSA. It also explains why he has not made any statements on this thread. At all.

Last edited by PhillipAbbott79; 02-16-2017 at 10:57 AM.