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Old 01-16-2017, 06:55 PM
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Al@n Kle!nberger
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Long Island, NY
Posts: 101
Default Another Party Heard From

Not to hijack this very interesting thread, but I wrote up a mini-memoir for SCD back in 2011, about my collecting experiences with Mssrs. Yeko, Gelman and Fritsch. It doesn't contain as many surprising facts, but is rather a more subjective account of how I discovered each of these dealers. I've never allowed a lack of knowledge to stop me.

This appeared in the January 4, 2011 issue of SCD - \

Hope you guys enjoy it.

And as for this thread, it proves that you can always learn something new. I had no idea that Marshall Oreck was a member of THAT Oreck family. I immediately told my wife that whenever she's vacuuming the living room, she's actually paying tribute to the early days of the hobby.

She just gave me that look many of us have received from our spouse, the look that says, "Dear God, this is the man I chose to be the father of my children."

Alan Kleinberger
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