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Old 10-28-2016, 03:42 PM
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The-Cardfather The-Cardfather is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: New Jersey (But born & raised in Brooklyn, NY)
Posts: 411

Originally Posted by rats60 View Post
I don't get people like you who feel that they are entitled to something they are not. How about we are baseball fans and what baseball fan wouldn't want to go to a World Series game given the opportunity? I have been to 2 World Series games and I only wish that my team would make a World Series so I could watch them play in it.


Thanks for your response. I think that it was noble of you to accompany your friend who had no one else to go with.

And as for you Rat,

I don't think that I'm "entitled" to anything, except my paycheck (which I work very hard for).

I too am a fan of the game and when I travel on business I try to attend a game at the city that I'm in. I do this primarilly to experience the ball park, and unless one of the teams playing is in the NL East, I have no real rooting interest. (I would root against any NL East team - unless it was the Mets.)
I know in my heart that as a fan of the game I would be happy to attend ANY World series game, but that being said; I also know that a real fan of the team playing would be ESTATIC to attend that same game.

In 1996 a good friend of mine was working in upper-management for Circuit City Stores. He got a free pair of seats for one of the games at Yankee Stadium from his employer. Since my friend is also a Mets fan (and hates the Yankees almost as much as I do), he did the right thing and gave both tickets to his neighbor who was a die-hard Yankees fan.

This is just my opinion / point-of-view. And everyone knows that opinions are like you-know-whats!

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Last edited by The-Cardfather; 10-28-2016 at 03:43 PM.
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