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Old 09-11-2016, 07:02 PM
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Nick Barnes
Join Date: May 2016
Location: South Mississippi
Posts: 757

Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector View Post
now Rich Hill, it just seems like these NL almost hitters occur much more than in the AL..
confirmation bias. the NL posts, on avg, 12 more starts per year compared to the AL of 3 hits or less. that seems significant until you consider the huge amount of games that take place.

The avg DH hits around a 119 wRC+ (or 19% above avg) this is a huge difference between the awful ability of pitchers, but considering most pitchers bat twice in the NL and then are pinch hit for, the difference becomes about 30% , which over 3 or 4 plate appearances isn't that much really. It's enough to increase league wide runs a bit, but a lot of that is due to the larger markets overall in the AL which allows then to buy higher profile players. That can't be discounted.
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