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Old 09-06-2016, 07:26 PM
dgo71 dgo71 is offline
Derek 0u3ll3tt3
Join Date: Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by Cliff Bowman View Post
I have a question for dgo71 and packs. We all know about Philando Castille, Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Alton Sterling, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Tamir Rice, and Laquan McDonald because you can't turn on a TV, computer, or radio without being bombarded about them. How many black men that were murdered by other black men in the last few years can the two of you name? I did all of those out of memory, so no cheating and researching names.
Strawman argument much? How about instead, how many unarmed white men can you name that have been killed by police while surrendering? Take your time, I'll wait.
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