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Old 08-12-2016, 04:46 AM
Volod Volod is offline
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Default Moral conundrum

Originally Posted by Leon View Post
When she shrugged off your advice you should have bought the Musial.
I have thought so, myself. But, at the time, i had just entered the show and planned to shop for an hour or so, so i recall thinking: "if i buy this card for a buck and the dealer finds out, he may come looking for me, and even though it was a nominally fair and square sale, i would feel bad enough for taking advantage that i would likely agree to reverse it, and so why go through with it? Of course, i could have just grabbed the card and headed for an exit, but would have felt like a sneak thief doing so, or just taken the odds that the dealer would not have even noticed the card missing, since he had misplaced in the first place. Geez, the mental gymnastics you go through just trying to buy some old cards!
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