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Old 07-14-2016, 12:32 PM
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Kyle May
Join Date: Jul 2016
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Originally Posted by Vintagevault13 View Post
I think everyone has to decide what works best for them, but I don't display my cards individually. Perhaps I am a little too cautious, but I worry about light fading them. Of course, if you store them in a room w/o natural light or have a case with UV protection, that should be fine. Ultimately, it comes down to what you enjoy. I store my binders flat instead of upright. I think that keeps the pages from sagging and possibly bending cards.

Good luck on your decision. Lots of members have posted their displays here in various threads. Be sure to share.
Absolutely. I'm getting ready to move out of my parents' home, and into an apartment with my girlfriend. Looking at 2 BR apartments, so the spare bedroom would be used as a dual office for both of us, which we have talked about splitting down the middle and decorating our respective side. That's where I want to get the vertical cabinet. As far as the fading goes, if I put the cabinet on the same wall as the window, facing AWAY from the window, would the fading still take place?

The horizontal binder idea vs. vertical is a good tip I didn't think about.
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