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Old 06-23-2016, 10:28 AM
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David Peck
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Orlando, FL
Posts: 1,074

I wondered at the time when those comments came out from Hank if it would hurt his card values and they have done nothing but sky rocket since.

Clemente has the luxury if you can call it that of dying in his prime and becoming a mythical athlete. He is also from the island of Puerto Rico and is a national hero.

Like many athletes their legacy can be impacted by their actions off the field or court etc. and when you die helping your countrymen you are forever a hero. I think his appearance also helps. Clemente was a handsome man and whether people like to admit it or not that can only help your popularity.

I personally found the Aaron comments to be highly insulting as my disdain for Obama has nothing to do with his skin color. If someone is to be given a free pass one could argue he deserves it. From the issues during his playing days to the issues at Turner Broadcasting. There was an angle in WCW between Ron Simmons and Vader where Harley Race made some very racially insensitive comments in his promo to create cheap heat and Aaron went ballistic. Seeing this throughout your life could certainly cause one to be jaded.
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