Thread: Anyone Garden?
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Old 06-19-2016, 09:05 AM
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pawpawdiv9 pawpawdiv9 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2012
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My dad is the gardener in the family. He planted some fruit trees several yrs ago.
His plum trees have gone 'wild' this year. So many, that its literally breaking the limbs. We been giving them away in buckets at work and been 'jamming' them up in jars.
We got one of those weekend markets, and he was able to 'trade' for other produce and stuff. No telling what the figs will do, as they been few to none.
As for tomatoes, he decided to go with 'raised beds' His have grown over 8ft tall and keeps them tied to the cages and a trelace so they don't fall and break.
I have not heard of these 'c,hocolate cherry', maybe my dad has, but we live in Georgia, so I don't know about the soil/sun factors on them. We did pick a few cherry of our own. The family likes the big boys. My dad also tried doing a berry garden, think the birds got most of it, he has since put a mesh over the area.
*Please put us down for some chocolate tomatoes**
1916-20 UNC Big Heads
Need: Ping Bodie

Last edited by pawpawdiv9; 06-19-2016 at 10:34 AM.
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