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Old 06-15-2016, 12:15 PM
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Stonepony Stonepony is offline
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Originally Posted by Mdmtx View Post
Let's make a few assumptions:

1. Op contacts legal counsel and they sue based upon tort law.
2. They win said case
3. If emotional distress or bodily injury don't exist, and I assume they don't, all the prevailing side will collect actual damages.
4. Assume it is a card that would have graded fair but for the tear
5. Assume the card tore into equal halves.
6. Both of the equal halves would technically grade authentic.
7. Hypothetical value of an authentic grade vs 880 dollar fair grade is say, 200 dollars each half.
8. His new value is 400 dollars and he experienced 480 dollar loss
9. Court finds each responsible to the tune of 50/50
10. His recovery is 220.
Mark....come on now...
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