Thread: RIP Gordie Howe
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Old 06-12-2016, 07:02 PM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
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He truly earned the moniker given to him---Mr. Hockey.

In an era when numbers were not sky high, and there were but six teams and 120 players, the classic argument was, who's the best---Gordie Howe or Maurice Richard? Both epitomized the game, and both were adored by their many fans, and both Gordie and Maurice loved and were great to their many fans. It doesn't matter anymore who was better---Gordie and Maurice were both among the top 5 players in NHL history. I'm just glad I got to see Gordie play on TV when I was young.

For what it's worth, Gordie Howe was the childhood hero of Bobby Hull and Wayne Gretzky.

He suffered excruciating pain when his beloved wife Colleen passed away in 2009. They were very devoted to each other and their children. I still shake my head in wonder what that must have been like to watch the Howe Line play for Houston. Gordie wasn't "the weakest link", either. It doesn't matter--the Howes were all good.

As I wrote on the PSA Forum, whoever thought of the absurd notion of having one's elbows registered with the police department, was surely thinking of Gordie! If you messed with him; boy, were you in for it!

Growing up as I did in the suburbs of Chicago from the late 50s-70s, I was a rabid Black Hawks fan. Regardless, most all of us kids liked and admired Mr. Howe. He was the sport's face, the man.

God rest his soul, continue to preserve his good reputation, and comfort and console his family, teammates, friends, and fans. ---Brian Powell

Last edited by brian1961; 06-18-2016 at 01:57 PM. Reason: subject - verb disagreement
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